Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Google+ and Facebook Showdown

Google's new social network Google+ is new and right out of the package aimed at competing with Facebook. It currently is only allowing a handful of people to try it out. Google+ will only succeed against Facebook if it gives the audience new content and something more interesting to give to the public. Some of the features that Google+ offers that Facebook doesn't are the following 3 main items I thought were neat.

Circles. You are able to share different things with different people. But the twist is you share to the people that will be interested in what you share. For example you could share technology topics to your techy friends and new sport events to your friends that enjoy sports.

The ease to share photos. Sharing photos to anyone is much faster and user friendly. No hassle, just the ease of sharing.

Huddle. This is a neat thing that Google added, you are able to have group chat instead of all individually talking making it easier to make plans. Another focus on making your life a bit simpler, who couldn't want that.

Well these are three things I think are neat additions that are in Google+, share what you like about Google+ in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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