Friday, September 2, 2011

Facebook's New Tools for Your Status

Facebook recently came out with a new set of tools for your status. When logging into Facebook you are greeted with an option to follow the tour. This tour basically shows the new tools in your status. You now can add the friends of which you are with when you posted your status with a button. When clicking on it you are able to type in your friends names and they are added at the bottom of your status. The next button is the location button, you simply click it and type in where you are and it is added to your status. The last button is the privacy button, you can choose to share your status with only your friends, public, or custom.

This reminds me of Google+ because you are also able to choose who to share your status with. This is built in with friends because your friends are in groups so you have better control over who you share it with. And with these being together you scratch one extra button.

Google+ automatically finds your location instead of you typing it in though. This can make it easier for the user, but it could also scare the user because their location is being tracked by Google.

Looks to me that Facebook is trying to match Google+, they are adding new content similar to Google+. Is Facebook trying to add content to stay above Google+?

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